The UPH Master of Educational Technology offers an opportunity to engage intensively with the field of education in a broad sense. Through academic and practical studies, students will experience the advancement of information technology to meet society demands for qualified, progressive and creative personnel in diverse areas of educational training and human resource development. This program delivers courses in managing educational institutions to meet the challenge of providing a good quality educational service. Master of Education graduates will acquire skills in developing instructional technology in education as competent trainers (instructors, teachers, and lecturers) and program planners, critical and creative curriculum developers, confident information and technology users and effective, efficient managers of training and educational institutions who excel in strategic planning. Detailed expected skills and competencies of the graduates are described under the separate concentrations of Master of Education, they are: Educational Technology, Educational Management, Early Childhood Education, and Teaching English To Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
Menjadi Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan strata dua unggulan di Indonesia yang berpusatkan pada Kristus untuk pendidikan transformatif dan holistis guna mengembangkan pemimpin masa depan yang memiliki ilmu pengetahuan yang sejati, iman dalam Kristus, dan karakter yang memuliakan Tuhan
Menghasilkan profil lulusan dengan kompetensi:
ITB Innovation Park seharga 397 milyar rupiah untuk kolaborasi antara inovator dan industri atau siapapun yang membutuhkan produk inovasi
Jurusan atau program studi ini hanya bisa didapat di sebuah perguruan tinggi negeri.
[Baca Selengkapnya]Jurusan paling populer bisa dikatakan jurusan yang hampir selalu ada di seluruh perguruan tinggi.
[Baca Selengkapnya]Kualitas kampus bisa juga dilihat dari jumlah jurusan atau program studi S3 atau doktoral yang ada di kampus tersebut.
[Baca Selengkapnya]Program studi dan jurusan sebenarnya sama saja.
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