Visi Program Studi
Menjadi Program studi MST Teknik Telekomunikasi yang Diakui, Mampu Bersaing, Akuntabel, Berkarakter dan Beretika dalam Penerapan Ilmu Pengetahuan,Teknologi
Misi Program Studi
1. Melaksanakan pendidikan tinggi vokasi jenjang magister bidang teknologi telekomunikasi terapan, untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang unggul, berkarakter dan berorientasi kewirausahaan, siap bersaing di tingkat nasional maupun internasional khususnya di bidang teknologi telekomunikasi, informasi dan otomasi
2. Melaksanakan penelitian terapan bidang teknologi telekomunikasi dan penerapan teknologi telekomunikasi masa depan secara keekonomian (technopreneur research)
3. Mengembangkan budaya masyarakat cerdas berpengetahuan melalui pemasyarakatan techno-preneur dan kerja sama bidang teknologi telekomunikasi.
Kompetensi Dasar Program Studi
Master of applied in telecommunication engineering offers students in wide range of optional courses and prepares them for research or professional practice as engineering in cutting edge of information and communication technology (ITC) fields. the topics include smart cities, internet of things, 5thgeneration mobile technology, wireless sensor networks, signal processing, big data and software defines radio.
Year 1
1. Manage and plan, both at the technical and management level, ICT-based developments research project or innovation.
2. Plan,design , develop and manage technologically feasible telecommunication projects and applications, based on the need to create or improvate an optimum and appropriate product or process in accordance with certain regulatory, environmental and cost guidelines.
3. Prepare or evaluate feasibility plan for the development of product or service for company.
Year 2
1. Be familiar with trends in the telecommuniation market, laws and guidelines set by various organization, existing standards and recommendations, current ICT trends, and their impact on social, economic, and culture development.
2. Capacity of carrying out advanced research in the telecommunications filed.
3. Direct and lead research groups.