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Nama Program Studi
Teknik Industri - S2
Perguruan Tinggi
Universitas Bina Nusantara
Akreditasi Program Studi
Riwayat Akreditasi
Program Studi
  1. Tanggal SK: 21 Desember 2022
    Kadaluarsa: 20 Desember 2027
    Akreditasi: Unggul
    Status: Aktif
  2. Tanggal SK: 10 April 2018
    Kadaluarsa: 10 April 2023
    Akreditasi: B
    Status: Tidak Aktif
Status Program Studi
Tanggal Akreditasi
21 Desember 2022
Ketua Program Studi
Tanggal Berdiri
7 Mei 2014
SK Penyelenggaraan
Tanggal SK
7 Mei 2014
Jl KH Syahdan No 9 Palmerah
Kota Jakarta Barat
Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta
Kode Pos
Logo Perguruan Tinggi

Tentang Teknik Industri S2 - Universitas Bina Nusantara

The graduate program in Master of Industrial Engineering has the ability to contribute significantly in connecting the organizational goals through an optimal operational performance, by involving all the elements of human, machines, methods, money, materials, information technology and environment. They are expected to be able to bring a constructive breakthroughs and value added to the competitiveness of the organization, through analysis, design, innovation, implementation and continuous improvement of the system and operational as well as to increase the organization performance. Practitioners in Industrial Engineering are expected to be able to lead the industrial management and make the logistic and supply chain divisions as one of the major forces that bring the company to be a winner in the world business competition.

As one of the leading IT-based educational institution that has been experienced, BINUS UNIVERSITY Graduate Program dedicates the graduate education programs in industrial engineering to meet the industrial needs to become the leaders in logistics, supply chain and quality management industries. BINUS Graduate Program provides a curriculum that emphasizes the lectures in information technology field to offset the formation of strategic thinking and analytical patterns that equip the students with a range of competencies in industrial engineering and managerial fields to become future leaders.

The graduates of Industrial Engineering Program will have competency as a leader in supply chain engineering and industrial management which is able to control the function of man, material, machine, money, method/system and information technology in order to reach the vision and mission of companies. In addition, he/she is able to act as industrial engineering consultant for organization in solving the problems, including the assessment and evaluation to effectiveness and efficiency of the system in industry.

Visi Program Studi

The most prestigious and dynamic Industrial Engineering School in Indonesia by producing globally competitive graduates.

Misi Program Studi

The mission of Master of Industrial Engineering is to contribute to the global community through the provision of world-class education by:

1. To produce the graduates who have comprehensive knowledge as global leader in industrial engineering field and capable to apply the principles of science engineering, information and communication technology (ICT) to understand, communicate, and synergize the team work in solving the industrial within their profession based on national and international curriculum standard;

2. To produce the graduates who involved in research, communication, leadership and sustainability with multidiscipline approach with the highest standard of profession and ethical practice in the area of industrial engineering to increase the quality life of society in national and international;

3. To produces the graduates who have advanced industrial engineering skills, information communication and technology, and entrepreneurship to contribute to the field of engineering, economy, and environment globally.

Kompetensi Dasar Program Studi

The objectives of the program are:

1. To provide students with industrial engineering best practices in order to attain the global competitiveness as Supply Chain and Industrial Management Leaders;

2. To provide students with advanced knowledge in Industrial Engineering for strategic advantage;

3. To provide students with information technology skills in industrial engineering to leverage the knowledge and technology


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