Tentang Ilmu Komunikasi S2 - Universitas Bina Nusantara
The study program of Master in Communication Science BINUS UNIVERSITY established since September 2017, in order to develop the scientific field of Communication and expertise to work as indicated in the curriculum of the study program of Master in Communication with a focus on the Marketing Communication Strategic with excellence, uniqueness and characteristics to the Integrated Marketing Communication-based curriculum that is supported by IT and infrastructure at BINUS UNIVERSITY. The study program of Master in Communication Science BINUS UNIVERSITY with specialization in Marketing Communication Strategic focusing in addition to scientific development, is also a source or a place to learn to acquire skills and work according to the market needs, as a Manager of Marketing Communication, Manager of Corporate Communication, and as a Public Relations of Firm, Marketing Communications Consultant, and Communication Sciences Lecturer in specialization of Marketing Communication Strategic. In addition, the excellence study program of Masters in Communication Science with a focus on curriculum of Marketing Communication according to the demands and needs of the world of work in the field of Marketing Communication at this time and forward. Graduates of Master in Communication Sciences has competence as a leader in Communication Studies, especially in the field of marketing communications that is able to sell products and maintain the good image and branding products of the company or organization both internally and externally, have scientific insights and future strategy.
Visi Program Studi
To become an Excellent, Professional and World Class Master of Communication Study Program based on Information Technology, Cultural Values and Local Wisdom.
Misi Program Studi
The mission of Master of Communication Science Study Program is to contribute to the global community through the provision of world-class education by:
1. Educating and developing students self-potential with advanced knowledge through theoretical and practical abilities;
2. Preparing students to be leaders in the field of Communication Studies with globally competitive expertise;
3. Preparing students with the knowledge in accordance with the development of communication science to be able to compete through the development of research in the field of communication science nationally and internationally;
4. Educating students in providing professional services in the field of communication for development and empowerment
Kompetensi Dasar Program Studi
The objectives of the program are:
1. Providing students with advanced knowledge in communication science specifically in Marketing Communication which characterized by business and the use digital technology;
2. Providing students with knowledge of leadership and innovation in order to compete in global competition;
3. Equipping students with the knowledge and experience of international research to provide solutions in the social life of the community