Tentang Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi S1 - Institut Teknologi Bandung
Information System & Technology Study Program provides education on the area of Information System and Information Technology. Information Systems specialists focus on integrating information technology solutions and business processes to meet the information needs of businesses and other enterprises, enabling them to achieve their objectives in an effective, efficient way. Information Systems specialists should be able to analyze information requirements and business processes and be able specify and design systems that are aligned with organizational goals. Information Systems focuses on the information aspects of information technology. Information Technology is the complement of that perspective: its emphasis is on the technology itself more than on the information it conveys. Sampling of names associated with academic discipline of Information Systems: Information Systems, Managements Information Systems, Computer Information Systems, Information Management, Business Information Systems, Informatics, Information Resources Management, Information Technology, Information Technology Resources Management, Accounting Information Systems, Information Science, Information and Quantitative Science. Information Technology is a label that has two meanings. In the broadest sense, the term information technology is often used to refer to all of computing. Information Technology in its broadest sense encompasses all aspects of computing technology. In academia, it refers to degree programs that prepare students to meet the computer technology needs of business, government, healthcare, schools, and other kinds of organizations. Information Technology, as an academic discipline, focuses on meeting the needs of users within an organizational and societal context through the selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies. Information technology professionals should be able to work effectively at planning, implementation, configuration, and maintenance of an organization s computing infrastructure. Information Systems focuses on the information aspects of information technology. Information Technology is the complement of that perspective: its emphasis is on the technology itself more than on the information it conveys. Program Educational Objectives: Technical Knowledge: Provide a basic knowledge of Information System and Technology principles along with the required supporting knowledge of mathematics, science, computing, and engineering fundamentals. Laboratory and Design Skills: develop the basic skills needed to perform and design experimental projects. Develop the ability to formulate problems and projects and to plan a process for solutions taking advantage of diverse technical knowledge and skills. Communication Skills: develop the ability to organize and present information, and to write and speak effective Bahasa Indonesia and English Preparation for the profession: provide an appreciation for the broad spectrum of issues arising in professional practice, including teamwork, ledership, safety, ethics, service, economy, environmental awareness, and professional organizations Preparation for further study: provide a sufficient breadth and depth for successful subsequent graduate study, post-graduate study, or lifelong learning programs. Preparation for national industrial development: provide a sufficient basics to have active roles in developing Information System and Technology and other related industries in Indonesia.
Visi Program Studi
Menjadi Institusi pendidikan tinggi, pengembang ilmu pengetahuan Teknik Elektro dan Informatika yang unggul dan terkemuka di Indonesia dan diakui didunia serta berperan aktif dalam usaha memajukan dan mensejahterakan bangsa.
Misi Program Studi
Menyelenggarakan pendidikan tinggi dan pendidikan berkelanjutan di bidang teknik Elektro dan Informatika dengan memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi . Mengikuti (memelihara) keterkinian (state of the art) serta mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan Teknik Elektro dan Informatika melalui kegiatan penelitian yang inovatif. Mendiseminasikan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan pandangan/wawasan Teknik Elektro dan Informatika yang dimiliki kepada masyarakat baik melalui lulusannya, kemitraan dengan industri atau lembaga lainnya maupun melalui kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dalam rangka membentuk masyarakat berkearifan teknologi.