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Nama Program Studi
Ilmu Komunikasi - S1
Perguruan Tinggi
Universitas Presiden
logo Universitas Presiden
Akreditasi Program Studi
Riwayat Akreditasi
Program Studi
  1. Tanggal SK: 17 November 2020
    Kadaluarsa: 17 November 2025
    Akreditasi: B
    Status: Aktif
  2. Tanggal SK: 3 Januari 2018
    Kadaluarsa: 3 Januari 2023
    Akreditasi: B
    Status: Tidak Aktif
  3. Tanggal SK: 18 Oktober 2012
    Kadaluarsa: 18 Oktober 2017
    Akreditasi: B
    Status: Tidak Aktif
Status Program Studi
Tanggal Akreditasi
17 November 2020
Ketua Program Studi
Tanggal Berdiri
16 April 2004
SK Penyelenggaraan
Tanggal SK
22 Juni 2010
jalan ki hajar dewantara jababeka cikarang
Kec. Cikarang Pusat
Kab. Bekasi
Prov. Jawa Barat
Kode Pos
021 - 89109762
021 - 89109768
Logo Perguruan Tinggi
logo Universitas Presiden

Tentang Ilmu Komunikasi S1 - Universitas Presiden

What is Communication studies?

It is a multdisciplinary academic study that deals with processes of human communication and it is the perfect major for those having multiple interests and diverse talents because the discipline provides theory, tools, and techniques for analyzing, managing and improving communication in every arena of professional and personal interaction.

Profile Description of Television and Film Concentration: This study provides theories and skills in exploring, designing and creating comprehensive TV and Film productions with strong social and cultural elements for media and communication industries.

Profile Description of Public Relations Concentration: This study provides theories and skills used in analyzing, designing and implementing public relations programs for organizational, governmental and societal settings with strong multicultural and entrepreneurship basis.

Visi Program Studi


Menjadi Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi unggulan yang menghasilkan lulusan berwawasan internasional, memiliki karakter dan kebijaksanaan serta kompeten di bidang Ilmu Komunikasi yang komprehensif dalam aspek teoritis dan praktis di tingkat nasional, regional dan Asia.? (To be a leading Study Program in Communication Science that produces graduates with international perspective, sound character, wisdom, and comprehensive competence in Communication Science, both theoretically and practically, at the national, regional, and Asian territories)

Misi Program Studi


1. Menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran yang berkualitas, didukung tenaga pengajar profesional dan kurikulum yang up to date yang link and match dengan dunia industri (To provide a quality learning process, supported by professional lecturers and up-to-date curriculum that is linked and matched with the world of industry)

2. Melaksanakan program penelitian yang memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan keilmuan komunikasi ( To carry out research programs which contribute to the development of Communication Studies)

3. Melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang terkait dengan Ilmu Komunikasi sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat dan dunia industri (To carry out community service activities related to the Communication Science that can contribute to meeting the needs of the society and the world of industry)

Kompetensi Dasar Program Studi


1. Have awareness and extensive knowledge on communication studies in various contexts

2. Have knowledge and skills in designing, implementing and evaluating communication programs in different contexts

3. Have skills in implementing ICT, with its social impacts, in communication activities

4. Have motivation, attitude and behavior complying with professional code of ethics in developing communication professions

5. Have communication skills in developing relations with media, government and stakeholders 6. Have professional ethical commitment in practical aspect of communication

7. Have competence in meeting needs of media industries


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