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Nama Program Studi
Profesi Insinyur - Profesi
Perguruan Tinggi
Universitas Bina Nusantara
Akreditasi Program Studi
Status Program Studi
Tanggal Akreditasi
27 Juni 2022
Ketua Program Studi
Tanggal Berdiri
11 Januari 2017
SK Penyelenggaraan
Tanggal SK
11 Januari 2017
Jl KH Syahdan No 9 Palmerah
Kota Jakarta Barat
Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta
Kode Pos
Logo Perguruan Tinggi

Tentang Profesi Insinyur Profesi - Universitas Bina Nusantara

Professional Engineer Program is a program designed to benefit working professionals who seek to increase their qualifications through specialized degree and professional certificate programs. As a prerequisite, the student who wants to enter this program has to at least have 2 years of working experiences in engineering field after graduated from bachelor degree of Sarjana Teknik (ST) or at least have 5 years of working experiences in engineering from Sarjana Sains (S.Si) and Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) graduates. For who has at least 5 years in engineering work experiences, the student can take the program with the method of Recognition to Prior Learning (RPL), which is carried out in one semester to get the profession degree of Certified Engineer or Insinyur (Ir.). In this program, the students who hold an accredited bachelor degree have to enhance their contemporary knowledge to lead and manage their improvement of professional progress in highly competitive global environment.

As a new program in Faculty of Engineering, The Professional Engineer Program is an urgent need in Indonesia to meet the number of professional engineers' requests in many field of engineering that has been going on in Indonesia. Also, certification of the profession of engineers for Indonesian engineer is also indispensable to compete in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA), and even more to contest within the global. This program provides an availability to increase individual competence and professionalism through continuous professional development as well to get Certified Engineer. The scope of engineering disciplines in this program may cover: civil engineering and the built environment; architecture, computer engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering and food technology.

Visi Program Studi

The most prestigious and dynamic Professional Program of Engineer in Indonesia by creating global accepted professional.

Misi Program Studi

The mission of Professional Program of Engineer is to contribute to the global community through the provision of world-class education by:

1. Offering and inviting all professional practitioners to be certified in Profession Organization and eager to continuously improve professional competencies.

2. Ensuring the engineers to comply the criteria of professional development in order to maintain their professional competencies.

3. Enforcing the laws, regulation, and standard that regulate engineering practice, or the use of Engineer Profession title, in fair and consistent way.

Kompetensi Dasar Program Studi

The objectives of the program are:

1. To prepare students with solid technical skills and conceptual knowledge of engineering.

2. To prepare students with engineering knowledge to succeed in an engineering career.

3. To equip students with information technology knowledge that is in demand by the engineering practice.


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