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Nama Program Studi
Perhotelan - D4
Perguruan Tinggi
Universitas Bina Nusantara
Akreditasi Program Studi
Status Program Studi
Tanggal Akreditasi
27 Juni 2022
Ketua Program Studi
Tanggal Berdiri
31 Desember 2009
SK Penyelenggaraan
Tanggal SK
20 Februari 2012
Kota Jakarta Barat
Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta
Kode Pos
Logo Perguruan Tinggi

Tentang Perhotelan D4 - Universitas Bina Nusantara

Bachelor of Applied Science in Hotel Management aims to offer a vocational education for a successful career in hotel industry. The program provides expertise in food & beverage division and room division with two streaming programs to be chosen; Culinary Art and Hotel Operation Services. The program also provides comprehensive management as well as valuable knowledge, skills and attitude to form competitive student competencies. Students will also gain insight of hospitality industry through one year of industry work experience in four to five stars international and multinational hotels; domestic and overseas. Competing in various international and national hospitality competitions becomes another must have achievement. In extent, international experiences such as studying abroad, guest lecturer, seminar, and workshop supplemented into teaching and learning activities are given. Hotel Management hold both National Accreditation (BAN-PT Accreditation A) and International Certification (TedQual from United Nation World Tourism Organizations) to ensure the best institution standards in pursuit the best education for the students. This is in line with the curriculum that has been augmented with international and local contents to fully equip graduates in managing diverse hotel operations, followed with high employment rate in multinational and global hospitality companies and food & beverage startups. Hotel Management graduates are certified in hospitality competencies from Indonesian National Professional Certification Board.

Visi Program Studi

A leading and best recognized hospitality department in South East Asia by 2020

Misi Program Studi

  • Educating students with a thorough competency in hospitality, functional and managerial skills, as well as to encourage potential students to become entrepreneurs, by providing an innovative and creative education, supported with hospitality related work experience.
  • Educating students to become hospitality leaders in a diverse work environment and to prepare them for further advanced studies.
  • Providing professional training and consulting services in technical and managerial skills for all levels of hospitality organizations, both locally and internationally.
  • Improving the standards of living for Indonesians by providing community development programs and services in the hospitality sector.
  • Retaining and acknowledging hospitality talents through research and benchmarking which in turn will enhance the competitive advantage of the Indonesian tourism industry in South East Asia.

Kompetensi Dasar Program Studi

The objectives of the program are :

  1. To provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge and understanding about the hospitality industry.
  2. To provide students with technical skills and professional expertise in the hospitality field that can be applied to community development programs and training services in a hospitality organization.
  3. To provide students with management skills through research and work experience, thereby empowering them to become leaders in a diverse range of hospitality businesses in South East Asia.

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