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Nama Program Studi
Pengelolaan Perhotelan - D4
Perguruan Tinggi
Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti
logo Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti
Akreditasi Program Studi
Status Program Studi
Tanggal Akreditasi
13 April 2021
Ketua Program Studi
Tanggal Berdiri
26 Oktober 2020
SK Penyelenggaraan
Tanggal SK
26 Oktober 2020
Jalan IKPN - Tanah Kusir, Bintaro
Kota Jakarta Selatan
Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta
Kode Pos
Logo Perguruan Tinggi
logo Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti

Tentang Pengelolaan Perhotelan D4 - Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti

Diploma IV Hospitality Study Program of the Trisakti School of Tourism (STP Trisakti) is established based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, the Republic of Indonesia, Number 102 / D / O / 1999 dated 15 June 1999.

The Education Level is a Diploma IV with a Bachelor of Applied Tourism Degree. Competencies of graduates of the Diploma IV Hospitality Study Program are prepared by referring to Presidential Regulation Number 08 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF). The Diploma IV Hospitality Study Program implements the Indonesian Qualifications Framework (IQF) with an emphasis on level 6 as a technical person or expert according to Article 2 paragraph (2) of the presidential regulation therefore graduates of the Diploma IV Hospitality Study Program are expected to be able to professionally manage and own a character in implementing operational and managerial tasks in hotel business (Lodging) and food and beverage business.

The type of education in the Diploma IV Hospitality Study Program was vocational (Law No.12 of 2003 concerning Article 15 of the National Education System). The duration of the Diploma IV Hospitality Study Program is 4 years full-time equivalent to a S1 (bachelors degree) study program. Graduates are awarded a Bachelor of Applied Tourism Diploma (S.Tr Par) referring to Permenristekdikti No. 59 of 2018 concerning diplomas, competency certificates, professional certificates, degrees and procedures for writing a degree in Higher Education article 20 paragraph e. The curriculum is designed for 8 semesters (4 years) with a total credit of 144 credits consisting of 54 theoretical credits and 90 practical / practical credits including 2 semester Internship programs (12 months) in hotel industries at a minimum of 4 stars, Fine Dining Restaurants, and national and multinational Companies in the field of Food and Beverage.

The Diploma IV Hospitality Study Program has a Joint Degree Program with several universities abroad such as IMI University Switzerland, Burapha University, Thailand and Guilin Tourism University, China with 3 + 1, 2.5 + 1.5 and 2 + 2 study schemes.

Visi Program Studi

to become a Superior Diploma IV Hospitality Study Program with Global Competitiveness

Misi Program Studi

  1. Educate and prepare prospective leaders with managerial capability (High Professionalism and Sustainability), in the field of Hospitality and Restaurants by emphasizing conceptual reasoning, problem solving skills, and professional attitudes, according to international standards (High Performance and Competitiveness)
  2. Produce research and innovative community service and empowerment that promotes the development of science in the field of Hospitality, based on religious morals, and is able to compete at national and international levels (Innovation in Hospitality Industry)
  3. Educate Diploma IV Hospitality Study Program students by upholding the dignity and values of humanity in accordance with Trisaktis values-oriented national values (High Brand Image and Unity).
  4. Improve the quality of learning management in Hospitality service on a sustainable basis to achieve the top level in national and international competition and cooperation (High Access and Networking)


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